<p>Armed militias loyal to Sudan’s president, Omar al- Bashir, have launched attacks on protesters taking part in a mass sit in outside the defence ministry in the capital, Khartoum.</p>
<p>Witnesses said that the security forces have used gunfire and teargas to disperse demonstrators.</p>
<p>The total number of people killed since Saturday is 22, including five soldiers who were killed while defending the protesters.</p>
<p>The group spearheading the demonstrations, the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), have said that 153 have been wounded.</p>
<p>The US, UK and Norway issued a joint statement calling on the Sudanese government to stop violence against peaceful protesters.</p>
<p>“The demand for political change from the courageous and resilient people of Sudan is becoming ever clearer and more powerful. The time has come for the Sudanese authorities to respond to these popular demands in a serious and credible way,” the statement said.</p>
<p>Protests first erupted on December 19 when the government decided to triple the price of bread which then evolved into nationwide demonstrations against Bashir's three-decade rule. </p>
<p>The demonstrations escalated on Saturday when protesters marched to Bashir’s residence and the defence ministry in Khartoum where they have been camped out since.</p>
<p>Read more <a href="https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/04/sudan-security-forces-crack-surg…">here</a> and <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/apr/09/sudan-protests-heavy-gunf…">here</a>. </p>
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