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Stalin and Modi discuss sending aid to Tamils in Sri Lanka

Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister discussed Sri Lanka’s economic crisis with Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi today, where he proposed sending food and medicines to Tamils in the North-East of Sri Lanka as an economic crisis rages on the island.

Meeting with Modi in Delhi, MK Stalin handed over a memorandum which detailed the financial crisis in Sri Lanka and warned that more Tamils may flee the island because of it.

The memorandum also reportedly added that the Tamil Nadu government is willing to provide essential commodities and lifesaving medicines to Tamils in the North-East and those working in plantations in the Hill Country.

“It is requested to accord necessary permission to undertake this benevolent activity,” Stalin said.

The DMK chief is currently on a three-day visit to the Indian capital and met with Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi earlier in the day.

His party currently has 24 MPs, making it the third-largest party in Lok Sabha.

See more from The Week here and the Times of India here.

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