Sri Lanka's TID arrests former LTTE cadre and activist

Former Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) cadre and activist Selvanayagam Aravinthan has been arrested by Sri Lanka's Terrorism Investigation Department (TID) for allegedly supporting the LTTE. 

Aravinthan was summoned for an investigation on March 12 by the TID over a Facebook account but he allegedly did not report to the TID on this date. Following this, the TID issued another summons ordering him to report to the TID.

Summons stating that Aravinthan must report to the TID on March 12 

Following the second summons, Aravinthan went to the TID in Colombo yesterday, where he was arrested for allegedly supporting the LTTE. 

This is not the first time that Aravinthan has been arrested. In November 2023 he was arrested after he questioned army intelligence officers for holding an exhibition opposing Maaveerar Naal.

Army intelligence officers held an exhibition, displaying photos of people they claimed had been killed by the LTTE. Aravinthan questioned the intelligence officers, asking them who they were working for and why they were holding this exhibition. 

This latest arrest adds to the pattern of harassment faced by Tamils in the North-East who are subjected to trumped up charges. 


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