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Sri Lanka's army commander outlines extensive benefits scheme for soldiers

Sri Lankan army commander Daya Ratnayake outlined a host of measures that the government would take to thank Sri Lanka’s “war heroes” for restoring “durable peace” reports Ceylon Today.

Speaking at the Sri Lankan army’s 65th anniversary celebrations last week, the commander said that multiple residential complexes were being built around island to house the army, whilst every army base was being redeveloped.

The commander described a range of financial benefits to be provided to the soldiers including low interest loans and enhanced welfare benefits.

Ratnayaka also announced that the government had built new welfare projects and commenced construction of a state of the art hospital to be used by soldiers.

He ended the address paying tribute to the families of those that died in the Sri Lankan army.

“In conclusion, let me pay my tribute to the memory of all those who departed, went missing, sustained injuries and became disable. Family members of those War Heroes, as well as members of the families of those serving the Army to-date are also remembered with gratitude and wish all the best to them,” said Ratnayaka.

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