Sri Lankan police in Mankulam have summoned Mullaitivu based journalist Shanmugam Thavaseelan for interrogation this week, as the harassment of Tamil journalists by the security forces continues.
Police officers went to Thavseelan’s home when he was not home on August 7 and handed the summons to his family.
The summons ordered Thavaseelan to visit the office of the Assistant Superintendent of Police at Mankulam Police Station on Friday morning to record a statement for an investigation.
Thavaseelan has been subject to harassment, intimidation and violence for his work on multiple occasions.
In 2022, he was attacked by an unidentified man at Mallavi petrol station while reporting on a story on the fuel shortage on the island.
In October 2020, Thavaseelan alongside another Tamil journalist, Kanapathipillai Kumanan were attacked with iron rods while reporting on a story on illegal logging timber smuggling.
He is the current Mullaitivu Media Association President and has a court case against him that is currently ongoing, lodged by a Sri Lankan naval officer who accused Thavaseelan of assault.
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