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Sri Lankan police seek ban on Maaveerar Naal commemorations in Jaffna

The Officers in Charge at Jaffna and Koppay police stations have filed a petition at Jaffna Magistrate's Court today, seeking a ban on Maaveerar Naal commemorations in the peninsula. 

The petition has specifically sought a ban on commemorations taking place at the University of Jaffna, Koppay Thuyilum Illam and at Lt Col Thileepan's memorial in Nallur, Jaffna. 

At the court hearing, the judge said the judgement will be adjourned until Monday morning. 

As Maaveerar Naal draws closer, Sri Lanka has ramped up its attempt to crackdown on all memorialisation events in the North-East. 

Earlier today in Vellavely, Batticaloa, N Nagules the Vice President of the Tamil Crusaders for Democracy party was arrested under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) for handing out meals to the families of fallen LTTE cadres. 




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