Sri Lankan police have arrested the Tamil National People's Front's (TNPF) Vadamaradchi East Organiser Ms. Arulmathy days after an incident at Maruthankerny where a police intelligence officer pointed his gun at TNPF leader Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam.
The police officers surrounded the activists' house a little before 6:30am before arresting her. The activists’ husband confirmed that she was arrested in connection with her attendance at a meeting on June 2 but it is unclear under which provisions she has been placed under arrest.
Last week, a meeting held by TNPF at a sports club in Marunthankeri where two men, who were reportedly police intelligence officers, refused to identify themselves. When both men tried to flee the scene, one was apprehended by the crowd Following this, another police intelligence officers that was in the vicinity wielded his gun at the TNPF leader.
On Saturday, two men identifying themselves as military intelligence officers visited the home of Ms Arulmathy and threatened that she would be arrested "soon".
The TNPF office has condemned the harassment, intimidation and arrest of activists.
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