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Sri Lankan navy sailors bite Tamil fishermen in attack

Sri Lankan navy sailors attacked Tamil fishermen in Poonakari in two separate attacks last week, with troops beating and biting the fishermen.

On April 7, 28-year old Bachchanathan Inbaraj and his brother 25-year-old Pakianathan Julian were fishing in the Poonakari region when they were assaulted by Sri Lankan sailors. Troops from the navy assaulted the brothers, and even bit them. According to the victims, the attackers were dressed in full military uniform and intoxicated at the time.

The brothers were reportedly then taken to a nearby navy camp and told not to make any complaints.

They have since been visited by former TNA parliamentarian S. Sritharan, as they spoke out about their assault.

A similar attack was reported on April 2, when 30-year-old Selvarasa Selvakumar was also attacked by Sri Lankan troops.

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