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Sri Lankan military tells Canada not to ignore diaspora ban

Canada should rethink its decision to ignore Sri Lanka's proscription of 16 diaspora organisations and over 400 individuals, Sri Lanka's military spokesperson said, reported the Business Standard

"Canada must remind themselves that LTTE remains a terrorist organisation as they have banned them," said the military spokesperson, Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya.

"We hope that Canada will act accordingly," he added.

Stating that the proscription was in line with a UN security council resolution on counterterrorism, Brig Wanigasooriya warned that Canada's decision to ignore it was tantamount to violating that resolution.

Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister last month stated that "Sri Lanka's action has no legal effect in Canada", describing the proscription as a barrier to progress on reconciliation.

"It does not constrain the freedom of listed groups and individuals to lawfully express their views in Canada," he wrote in a statement issued together with the Minister of State, Lynne Yelich.

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