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Sri Lankan Army commemorates their war dead in Jaffna

(Picture: news.lk)

The Sri Lankan Army remembered their dead soldiers at a Buddhist event in Jaffna on Friday night.

The military’s Jaffna commander, Major General Udaya Perera, organised the remembrance event in connection to the 18th anniversary of the formation of the Security Force – Jaffna.

Senior members of Sri Lanka's Buddhist clergy presided over the event to “invoke blessings” for those Sri Lankan soldiers who lost their lives fighting the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, which included tribal dancers from the Sinhala south and an all-night chanting ceremony, according to the defence ministry's website.

Sinhala Buddhist monks from across the island came to Jaffna, the largest Tamil town on the island, for the event.

Sri Lanka does not allow Tamils to remember their own war dead, with several attacks reported over the years, on Tamils who attempt to remember civilians and Tamil soldiers who died during the armed conflict.

Tamil nation remembers Mullivaikal massacre 5 years on, amidst military ban (18 May 2014)

Tamils remember Maaveerar in North-East despite SL military violence and intmidation (27 November 2013)

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