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Sri Lankan army arrests Tamils over alleged explosives possession

The Sri Lankan military has arrested at least 4 Tamils in Kilinochchi this week, accusing them of possessing explosives and ammunition, amidst a crackdown in the North-East.

The arrest comes as the military stepped up arrests and raids in the run up to Maaveerar Naal last week, a day which was marked by Tamils around the world to commemorate those who died in the Tamil liberation struggle.

The four individuals were arrested in Pallai, Kilinochchi on December 3. Sri Lankan troops claimed to have recovered several explosives concealed in a residence in the village of Panikkaiyadi, Kilinochchi.

Thayanujan Ambika (35), Singaraja Thayanujan (29), Selvanaayagam Rasamalar (67) and Kulasingam Bhuvaneswari (62) were arrested on the scene and the recovered ammunition has been taken to the Kilinochchi District Police Station.

Sri Lankan police are reportedly planning to present the arrested individuals in the Kilinochchi District Court as further investigations into the incident are underway.

Arrests of Tamils has stepped up in recent months, with an increase in military checkpoints, intimidation and harrassment across the Tamil homeland.

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