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Sri Lanka slams UN again over peaceful election call

The Sri Lankan government has criticised the United Nations yet again, after the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General of the UN reiterated calls for a peaceful presidential election this week.

Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for the Secretary-General, had said in his press briefing on Monday,

“Obviously, we've seen the recent events in Sri Lanka, even those today, and I think it makes the Secretary-General's call for reconciliation, political dialogue that much more important and also his call to the Government to ensure that the elections are peaceful and that they're inclusive, including for minorities.”

In response the Sri Lankan government noted “with concern” the comments, saying “the Spokesperson’s comments are gratuitous and inappropriate.”

The statement by Sri Lanka's External Affairs Ministry went on to say “repeated calls for a free and fair election in Sri Lanka are misplaced”.

In recent weeks Sri Lanka has also lashed out at UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and the European Union, following calls for peaceful presidential elections to take place.

See our earlier posts:

Sri Lanka slams EU for peaceful election call
(02 Jan 2015)

Sri Lanka attacks UN Secretary-General over election comments (31 Dec 2014)

Ban Ki-moon 'strongly expects' peaceful conduct of elections (30 Dec 2014)

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