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Sri Lanka to review diplomatic relations with Canada

The Sri Lankan government has said it will review its diplomatic ties with Canada, after Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that he would boycott the forthcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting over Sri Lanka’s human rights record.

Speaking to reporters, Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said that the government may summon the Canadian ambassador in Colombo to discuss future relations between the two countries.

"The government hopes to discuss diplomatic relations with Canada and the issues they keep raising," the minister said, adding that Harper had his "own political obligations" to fulfill.

External Affairs Minister GL Peiris also slammed Canada for its decision.

"This is a wrong attitude on the Canadian side,"

"The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of sovereign states. It's not fair to judge a state based on domestic issues, when all member countries are eager to participate in CHOGM in Colombo.”

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