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Sri Lanka plays down Basil visit to India

A Sri Lankan minister has played down the importance of a trip to meet with Indian officials over the 13th Amendment, saying they were only keeping India informed.

Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said Basil Rajapakse had flown to New Delhi to meet with officials including Manmohan Singh and will explain plans to devolve power to Tamils.

"The government of Sri Lanka has scientifically evaluated the situation and found that these two areas, police and land powers, have to be reviewed, revisited and it is by common courtesy since the 13th amendment stems from Rajiv-J.R, heads of two states," he said.

"Therefore it is common courtesy to sort of have this discussion to inform the signatories to the agreement," the minister said.

"On that basis, a member of the cabinet nominated and designated by the president is visiting India."

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