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'Sri Lanka: International crimes and a way forward' - TAG

Speaking at the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils and British Tamils Forum joint discussion on genocide in Sri Lanka, Rajganna from Tamils Against Genocide (TAG) called for an international investigation to bring the perpetrators of international crimes in Sri Lanka to justice.
Drawing upon existing international legal norms, Rajganna went on to describe how there were "striking similarities" between the events of Srebrenica in 1995 and Mullivaikkal in 2009, both of which satisfy the international legal criteria for genocide.

Elaborating on the Srebrenica case study and its significance to Bosnian Muslims, TAG went on to state,

"Similarly, the Vanni region had strong strategic and symbolic significance for the future the Tamil state in the course of the Tamil struggle.

By eliminating a significant part of the Vanni civilian population, GOSL criminally intended to engage the Tamil people in a way such that they no longer challenge Sinhala dominance of the entire island."

Concludingly, Rajganna stated that even since the end of the armed conflict, "the persecution of the Tamil people still continues", stating that it was a "No War No Peace" situation, callig for international recognition of the crimes that took place.

TAG's full presentation "Sri Lanka: International crimes and a way forward" can be read in full here.

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