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Sri Lanka denies visa refusal for US official

Sri Lanka’s External Affairs Ministry has denied reports that it refused a visa for the US Ambassador at Large for Women’s Issues, Catherine Russell, who cancelled a 2 day visit scheduled to the island.

External Affairs Ministry official Prabhashini Ponnamperuma said that the government was merely requesting Russell to reschedule her visit.

“What has been reported is totally erroneous. Sri Lanka has not denied a visa to Ms. Russell as there was no reason for such a refusal. Her visit had to be rescheduled because if otherwise she would have been unable to meet some of those whom she planned to meet. These things happen, it’s a mere request to reschedule her visit,” she said.

The US had expressed regret when the news of the refusal first emerged.

A spokesperson was quoted as saying, that the US would "continue to raise important issues related to gender-based violence, the impact that the conflict had on families (particularly female-headed households), the need for greater economic empowerment by women, and for greater political participation by women across Sri Lanka”.

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