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SNP debates Scottish vote on rejoining EU after independence

A Scottish National Party (SNP) politician has called for a vote on whether an independent Scotland should be allowed to rejoin the European Union, as the British government gears towards Brexit next year.

SNP Member of European Parliament (MEP) Heather Anderson told The National that if an independence referendum was held next year or in 2021, then Scotland could be fully independent within two years of such a vote. Following a vote on European Union membership, the country could “be back in the EU before the end of this European parliamentary term,” she added.

Her comments come after SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said Scotland would be welcomed with “open arms” by the EU.

An SNP spokesperson added: “With the Tory government dragging Scotland down the road to economic and social harm, it’s clear that only as an independent European country can we best build a progressive and fairer society”.

Read more from The Times here.

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