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'SLMC gave spy report to Pillay' - NFF

The National Freedom Front, a party in the ruling government coalition has accused the Sri Lankan Muslim Congress of handing over a 'spy report' to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, warning them not to 'betray this country'.

Speaking at a press conference in Colombo,Media Spokesperson of the NFF, Mohammed Muzammil said,

“The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress had handed over Hakeem’s spy report to Navanethem Pillay. The report was compiled by Hakeem to provide information on Geneva. Not only has he provided information to Geneva: he had also directed the report to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia."

The accusations come after leaks from a report compiled by the High Commissioner called for an international investigation in Sri Lanka. 

The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka had previously expressed their support for the government against a resolution at the UN Human Rights Council.

Muzammil went on to warn the SLMC,

"As you are well aware, many forces tried to create a clash amongst communities, in the recent past. The root causes of this problem is a known fact to all. Do not betray this country, to achieve petty political objectives. We urge Rauff Hakeem not to sit within the government and betray this country.”

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