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SL uses Commonwealth membership to validate claims of reconciliation

The Sri Lankan government claimed that the progress it has made in addressing human rights concerns and reconciliation is accepted by many in the international community.

Responding to criticism placed on Si Lanka in the General Debate of the 23rd Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva, the Sri Lankan delegation expressed shock at Canada’s claims of “ on-going violations and human rights and lack of reconciliation in Sri lanka.

After deploying the usual rhetoric on resettlement, reintegration of ex-combatants, infrastructure development, the Sri Lankan delegate drew upon the nations membership and role in the commonwealth to validate claims of resettlement and reconciliation.

Reminding the UN that Sri Lanka was a founding member of the Commonwealth, Sri Lanka said it is firmly committed to its values and principles.

The delegate went on to state that the Sri Lankan government’s

  “longstanding engagement and commitment to the Commonwealth is known and demonstrated by the undertaking to host the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in November this year."

Sri lanka's flashing of Commonwealth membership at the UN, comes as serious questions arise regarding the effectiveness of the Commonwealth at upholding its very own charter.

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