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SL govt suspends Trinco Urban Council MoU with US embassy

The Trincomalee Urban Council suspended its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the US Embassy in Colombo, after the Sri Lankan government deemed that the MoU had been signed without the External Affairs Ministry's knowledge, reports ColomboPage.

The MoU, signed very recently, was aimed at establishing an American Corner in Trincomalee.

According to the External Affairs Ministry, entering an agreement with a foreign mission without the Ministry's approval is a 'clear breach of protocol'. The Sunday Leader quoted the Urban Council Secretary, Abdul Latif Mohamaed Nafeel, as stating that the Ministry had deemed the agreement unacceptable.

Last week the Sri Lankan government expressed concerned the MoU.

The Secretary, Karunatilaka Amunugama has announced that a special investigation will be launched into the incident, as well as two other recently opened American Corners recently established in Jaffna and Kandy.

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