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Skeletal remains found in Trincomalee, SL security forces block access to media

Pictures: Veerakesari

Updated 20:13 GMT

Skeletal remains have been found yesterday evening at a playground in Trincomalee, whilst workers were trying to dig a well, reported the Veerakesari

Sri Lankan security forces, who arrived promptly to the scene, have closed the area off to the press and public, one witness, who wished to remain anonymous fearing his safety, told the Tamil Guardian this evening.


See video sent to Tamil Guardian.

Skeletal remains have also been found in Mannar. Excavations are still ongoing at the site and over 60 skeletons have already been found in the mass grave.

TNA demands international probe into mass graves (12 Feb 2014)


Pictures: Anonymous sources in the North-East



"They are blocking all the media workers from going there. No one can get in now," he said.

"They have told us that the site will only be accessible on Monday."

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