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Sirisena's version of electoral impartiality

Sri Lanka’s national newspapers carried a United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) election advertisement associating Sri Lanka’s president Maithripala Sirisena with the party.

Photograph: Sri Lanka mirror

The election poster advert carried a picture of Sirisena above a caption that read,

“Victory certain for UPFA – Assurance for future – a Maithri rule.”

The news comes after Mr Sirisena earlier announced that he would remain impartial during the election campaign, reports the Sri Lanka Mirror.

UPFA says Sirisena cannot stop Rajapaksa from being appointed as Sri Lanka’s prime minister (16 Jul 2015)

‘Unitary status needs to be maintained’ says Sri Lankan president (06 Aug 2015)

UPFA rejects any autonomy to Tamil regions beyond 13th amendment (01 Aug 2015)

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