<p>Sri Lanka's president, Maithripala Sirisena, yesterday vowed that "come what may" he would implement the death penalty within "2-3 months". </p>
<p>Over recent months Sirisena has repeatedly reiterated his plans to reintroduced the death penalty for those convicted of drug trafficking, despite international outcry and warns of interventions. </p>
“We need stringent laws to make a law abiding and spiritual society,” Sirisena told parliament. </p>
<p>“The country is now proliferated with various drugs including marijuana, cocaine, heroin and ice."</p>
<p>"Come what may I will put into practice the decision I took to implement the death penalty within next two to three months."
<p>Sirisena has consistently rejected any criticism of his plans and pledged to replicate the Philippines president's brutal 'war on drugs' in Sri Lanka. </p>
<p>Last month, he said he would not reverse his decision to implement capital punishment, telling an audience in Mullaitivu that he had no “fear of NGOs”.</p>
<p>Speaking at a police awards ceremony last week, he called on the island to wage a war on drugs in a “similar manner” to the massive military offensive a decade ago that killed tens of thousands of Tamils and saw large scale violations of international law.</p>
<p>He was <u><a href="http://www.pmdnews.lk/%E0%B6%B8%E0%B6%AD%E0%B7%8A%E0%B6%AF%E0%B7%8A%E2%…">quoted</a></u> as saying, ”to save the nation from brutal drug smugglers a war must be conducted in a similar manner as the war against the ruthless terrorism that lasted 30 years.”</p>
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