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'Sinister' and 'unjustified' obsession on Sri Lanka, says SL ambassador to UN

The Sri Lankan permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha, speaking at an informal discussion event on the draft resolution on reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka, rejected the draft resolution tabled against Sri Lanka at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), alleging ‘sinister motives’ behind the ‘unjustified’ resolution.

Aryasinha further described the resolution as an intrusive politicised 'obsession', based on “sinister motives in relentlessly targeting Sri Lanka, mainly to appease pro-LTTE Tamil constituencies, for collateral electoral political gain.”

The ambassador went on to disregard findings of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) report on Sri Lanka, as a biased ‘unwarranted interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state.’

Addressing a room full of country delegates, he further outlined,

“It is against this back drop that the Government of Sri Lanka believes that there is no objective or rational reason to justify the call for a third successive resolution on Sri Lanka during the current session of the HRC.”

See full statement here.

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