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Sinhalese students protest against university shut down, caused by attacks on Tamils

Sinhalese students protested against the cancellation of lectures, angered that they were put on hold indefinitely following attacks on Tamil students last week, reported Uthayan.

Students hold placards, most of which are in Sinhalese Pictures: Uthayan

The Sinhalese students at the Eastern University in Batticaloa demanded that the suspension of the perpetrators of the attacks on Tamils, who were also Sinhalese, be lifted and called for lectures to restart.

Tamil students from all over the island started leaving the hostels of the university, after Sinhalese students attacked a Tamil birthday party last Thursday, leaving 7 Tamils injured, reported TamilNet.

Sinhala students claim the university administration is biased, after students are suspended following attacks on Tamils

A student union representative had told TamilNet that Tamil students would boycott classes for the following two weeks.

“Only first year and last year Tamil students are provided hostel admission at the university while Sinhala students from all years are admitted to the hostel, making Sinhala students the majority at the hostel of the Batticaloa university,” TamilNet said.

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