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Serbian court charges 8 over Srebrenica

In a landmark ruling, a Serbian court on Tuesday charged 8 for war crimes over the massacre of hundreds of Bosnian Muslim boys and men in 1995 by Bosnian Serb forces.

The ruling is the first time that a court in Serbia has charged anyone for involvement in the massacre.

The eight people charged includes the unit commander of the forces responsible for the massacre, Nedeljko Milidragovic, who was nicknamed the "butcher", and reported told the forces that "nobody should get out alive".

The indictment is a "message that there will be no impunity for war crimes and that the victims will not be forgotten," the prosecutor, Vladimir Vukcevic was quoted by AFP as saying.

"The indictment reflects Serbia's position towards the most serious crime committed since World War II and it is the result of a good regional cooperation," he added.

See here, here and here.

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