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Sanction Sri Lankan General Jagath Jayasuriya – ITJP

The International Truth and Justice Project has released a damning video calling on the British Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office to impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on retired Sri Lankan General Jagath Jayasuriya for heinous human rights abuses.

Jayasuriya served as 19th Commander of the Sri Lankan Army and oversaw the brutal assault on the northern province during the final stages of the armed conflict. His operations oversaw acts of torture, sexual violence, targeted attacks on civilians, the shelling of hospitals, and summary executions.

“Jayasuriya has faced no legal consequences for these crimes” the video notes.

Instead, he has been rewarded with important diplomatic posts serving in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Chile, and Suriname. Jayasuriya is the current Chairman of the National Boxing Selection Committee of Sri Lanka, which is focusing on competing in the 2022 Commonwealth Games due to be held in Birmingham, England.

Sri Lanka has yet to confirm whether he is scheduled to attend.

For a breakdown of Jayasuriya’s career read more from the ITJP.

Read more here

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