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Sampanthan celebrates 40 years of Ranil

The TNA leader, R Sampanthan celebrated 40 years of Ranil Wickremesinghe's parliamentary career this week during a ceremony in parliament to mark the occasion. 

“Premier by nature is calm and stable person and a person who cannot be ruffled easily. We are felicitating him on his outstanding achievement of being 40 years in Parliament but the concern is his future. He and President Maithripala Sirisena should work together to come up with a political solution to the national question,” Mr Sampanthan qas quoted by the Daily Mirror as saying. 

“Economic development and the national question are closely associated. Much needed economic development could be achieved only if the national question is resolved,” he added. 

Mr Wickremesinghe served as Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister from 1993-1994 and 2001-2004, with his current tenure as prime minister beginning in 2015.

His second tenure as prime minister from 1993-1994 saw at least 145 Tamil civilians killed, with impunity, in a series of massacres by the Sri Lankan state’s army and navy.

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