Retailers boycott Sri Lankan goods after consumer pressure - Chennai

R.G Sakthi Saravanan, the head of the oldest consumer cooperative society, the TUCS (Triplicane Urban Coopoerative Society) has instructed the chain of affiliated shops to remove products from Sri Lanka, following increasing pressure from Tamil activists on the ground.

Two activists from the Boycott Sri Lanka Team in Tamil Nadu made their representations to Saravanan after finding Sri Lankan biscuits on sale at TUCS outlets.  In a written complaint to the TUCS, the activists drew attention to the resolution passed by the Tamil Nadu government last year urging economic sanctions against the government.

The written complaint read,

“We were shocked to know that TUCS stores in Chennai are selling products such as biscuits and chocolates that are made in Sri Lanka.

You must be aware that the Tamil Nadu government has already passed a resolution in Tamil Nadu assembly recommending imposition of economic embargo on Sri Lanka because of the genocide committed by Sri Lanka on Tamils."

Therefore it is duty of Tamils to ensure that we do not buy or sell any Sri Lankan products inside Tamil Nadu. Please stop selling of Sri Lankan products at the earliest from all TUCS stores.”

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