Resumption of Kokkuthoduvai Mass Grave exhumation and excavation set for September 5th

After a series of hearings and deliberations on 31st August 2023, the Mullaitivu Magistrate Court has issued an order for the resumption of the exhumation and excavation of the Kokkuthoduvai mass grave on September 5th, 2023. This significant development comes as a response to ongoing efforts to investigate the origins of the mass grave.

Following a previous hearing on August 21st. During the latter hearing, various plans, including budgets, were submitted by the Mullaitivu District Secretariat. Moreover, the Judicial Medical Officer and the District Secretary were produced as witnesses to provide their expert opinions.

Of particular note, the District Secretary emphasized that the necessary funds for this sensitive and crucial task have not yet been allocated by the government. This financial obstacle has raised concerns about the capacity of the state to conduct investigations. 

Civil society has also expressed skepticism about the political will to conduct a thorough investigation into this issue, given its significant implications involving the military, state officials, and the state's potential culpability. The lack of expertise available to conduct the necessary investigations have also raised concerns among Tamil people.

The court order has been the latest development in the mass graves found in Kokkuthoduvai, Mullaitivu. 


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