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Remains of Easter Sunday bomber moved after protests in Batticaloa

The remains of one of the Easter Sunday bombers has been moved following a protest campaign by locals, including a demonstration last month that saw Sri Lankan riot police deploying batons and teargas against protestors.

Following pressure from locals, a court order was issued to move the remains of Mohamed Nazar Mohamed Azath from a Hindu cemetery at Kalliyankadu, where residents allege Sri Lankan officials had secretly buried him.

Azath was the suicide bomber who attacked the Zion Church in Batticaloa, killing dozens of worshippers on Easter Sunday, many of whom were children. 

News of his burial at the cemetery had sparked anger throughout the town, culminating in a protest at the Kalladi Bridge last month. Sri Lankan riot police broke up the protest using batons and teargas, resulting in at least six people being hospitalised. 

Azath's remains are currently reported to be held at a Batticaloa hospital mortuary.

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