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Relatives of fallen LTTE fighters banned from holding commemoration events

Events organised to commemorate dead LTTE fighters will not be allowed in any part of the country, said Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya, the spokesperson for the defence ministry.

Speaking at the weekly press briefing earlier today, Wanigasooriya said that families who had lost relatives due to the “terrorist insurgency” have the freedom to mourn their loved ones in private.

Wanigasooriya denied that the defence ministry was behind the closure of universities in the Northeast, saying that the ministry does not get involved in matters that come under the purview of other ministries.

The spokesperson added that the display of flags or other insignia of the LTTE or any of the diaspora organisations recently proscribed is also illegal and thus not allowed.

According to The Nation, Wanigasooriya also said that details of the proscrfibed organisations will be provided to the respective countries from which they are operating.

Jaffna Army Commander warns public May 2009 remembrance will lead to arrest (07 May 2014)

Over 400 Tamil individuals included in Sri Lanka's proscription list (04 April 2014)

Sri Lanka bans Tamil diaspora organisations – Daily Mirror (31 March 2014)

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