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Reconciliation only possible if truth is accepted, Wigneswaran tells Norwegian ambassador

The chief minister of the northern province, C V Wigneswaran told the Grete Løchen, Norway's ambassador to Sri Lanka, during her visit to Jaffna this week.

"Reconciliation is only possible between communities, only if the truth about what took place is accepted," Mr Wigneswaran told Ms Løchen when she asked if the resolution adopted by the Northern Provincial Council calling for an international investigation into the genocide of Tamils by the Sri Lankan state would affect favourable conditions heralded by the new government.

Speaking to media after the meeting on Friday, Mr Wigneswaran said the Norwegian ambassador had assured him that the deferral of the publishing of the findings of the UN inquiry into mass atrocities of the Tamil people was only till September.

Reiterating that the report would definitely be published in September, Ms Løchen told Mr Wigneswaran "not to worry" as the international community was well versed on Sri Lanka, and Norway would be fair to the Tamil people.

She also met with the NPC Minister P Ayngaranesan in order to discuss the impact of water contamination by the Chunnakam power plant.

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