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Ranil and Rajapaksa come together for Buddhist clergy's advice

Sri Lanka's prime minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, came together with the former president, Mahinda Rajapaksa on Monday, to seek words of advice from Buddhist clergy.

Meeting with the Hunupitiya Ganagaramaya temple's chief monk, Galaboda Gnanissara Thera, the pair were told to work towards the betterment of the country, the Daily Mirror reported.

Highlighting criticism of the prime minister's aggression towards the media, the Buddhist monk advised him, “Don’t lose your cool as you can be aggressive. DO so only when the need arises."

“Prime Minister is accused of being aggressive towards mass media these days and one has to be aggressive towards the media. The rulers of the country have the right to be aggressive towards media,” he added.

He also reminded both politicians "the disunity among the Sinhalese made them lose their right to rule this country and this helped the British to take over this country".

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