Rajapaksa's Vesak message

In a Vesak message released Saturday, the president, Mahinda Rajapaksa said,

“We had great joy in seeing Sri Lankan Buddhists giving emphasis to the principles of Buddhism with the dawn of the Sri Sambuddhathva Jayanthi at the last Vesak festival."

"With the immense pleasure of contemplating on the Buddha, we recall the great religious awakening of devotion and wisdom that spread throughout Sri Lanka during this year, as we now see the end of the Sambuddha Jayanthi commemorations on this Vesak Day. It is our wish that this joy in the Buddha and his teachings would abide in the minds of all Sri Lankans."

"The teachings of the Buddha are the best way to lead a life that is free of confusion. These teachings show us the path to lead a life free of the four-fold evils and achieve success in this world and the next."

"We must be aware that all who are of wrongful mind and thinking cause many divisions and clashes that close the doors to our progress." As it is stated in the Dhammapada:

“Attana va katam papam – attana sankilissati
Attana akatam papam – attana va visujjhati
Suddhi asuddhi paccattam – nannno annam visodhaye”

“Evil done by oneself will defile one. Evil not done by oneself will purify one. Purity and impurity depend on oneself. No one can purify another.”

"Therefore, let us in this Vesak season pave the way to success in this world and the next, by eschewing all disputes and divisions and making a commitment to national unity and religious co-existence through seeing the true light of Buddhist teachings."

"May you receive the blessings of the Samma Sambuddha!"

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