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Rajapaksa sends thank you letter to Indian PM for UNHRC abstention

President Mahinda Rajapaksa once again expressed Sri Lanka's gratitude over India's decision to abstain during the UN Human Rights Council vote on a resolution calling for an international inquiry into Sri Lanka, through a letter to the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

The letter, described by the Times of India as a 'warm thank you letter', is the latest in a series of gestures by Sri Lankan state officials and security forces thanking India for its abstention.

The last notable correspondence between the pair was ahead of the Commonwealth Leaders' Summit, when Prime Minister Singh wrote to President Rajapaksa informing him that he would not be attending.

At the time President Rajapaksa was keen to point out that the letter did not address the issue of abuses committed against the Tamil people. He told journalists: “The letter that PM [Manmohan Singh] had sent me, doesn’t address the Tamil’s issue."

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