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Protestors demand India support genocide investigation at UNHRC

Over 300 protestors in Chennai demanded that the Indian government support an international independent investigation into genocide in Sri Lanka, at the United Nations Human Rights Council this week.

The protestors called upon India to take a clear stand at the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council, with a representative from the Save Tamils Movement telling the Tamil Guardian,

“for the past two straight years India has played a prominent role in favour of Sri Lanka by diluting the US-sponsored resolution against Sri Lanka in UNHRC.”

They went on to add that the demonstration was held to,

“warn India against any of its efforts to dilute the already weakened resolution and to strengthen the resolution by adding independent international investigation mechanism to investigate genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

The protest, backed by 18 different organisations including political parties, NGOs, civil society activists and student groups, was held outside the Raj Bhavan, the official residence of the Governor of Tamil Nadu.  

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