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Protest against Britain's 'assurance of terrorist rights'

The Sri Lankan British Union is holding a protest on Saturday condemning Britain's 'policy of assuring rights to terrorists' through its support for a resolution at the UN Human Rights Council on accountability for mass atrocities in Sri Lanka, Colombopage reports.

A poster for the event circulating in press, urges: "Come and show your support to Lanka Matha ... in a peaceful demonstration challenging the resolution against Sri Lanka."

Another poster circulated via Facebook says:

"Our Motherland Sri Lanka is facing a moment of crisis in Geneva.

"We Srilankans living here in the United Kingdom irrespective of ethnicity & religion should get together to protect the dignity of our Motherland from Ill - fated propaganda agents.

"Join hands with us to show our true spirit & strength to the rest of the World by raising the Lion Flag in a peaceful demonstration on Saturday 8th March 2pm to 5pm outside No 10 Downing street, London."


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