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Police apologise for Buddhist dog wedding

Sri Lankan police have apologised after they “married” nine sniffer dog pairs in a Buddhist ceremony.

Police said the weddings were arranged to promote domestic breeding of sniffer dogs, but apologised for offending cultural sensibilities.

The Culture Ministry condemned the ceremony, with minister T B Ekananayake saying the police had "contemptibly devalued" weddings in a devoutly Buddhist country.

"This is not acceptable according to our cultural norms," Ekanayake said.

"We are people who really value out traditional weddings - which are only done at auspicious times alongside the chanting of stanzas and [other] poruwa rituals.

"The police have demeaned all this by conducting this in the Kandy - the city of the [famous Buddhist) Temple of Truth. I totally condemn this."

The newlywed dogs were driven by police vans to enjoy their “honeymoon” in the hill resort of Nuwara Eliya.

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