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People who have committed atrocities 'must be brought to justice' says BJP in meeting with BTF

BJP National General Secretary Muralidhar Rao meets with BTF delegates

The BJP, the Indian government's main political party, stressed that those responsible for committed atrocities against the Tamil people in Sri Lanka “must be brought to justice”, in a meeting with a delegation of the British Tamils Forum (BTF) last month.

Meeting with several BJP officials, including the party's National General Secretary, Muralidhar Rao and the Incharge & Prabhari of Tripura State, Vijay Jolly, who recently travelled to Sri Lanka to attend the International Conference of Asian Political Parties, as well as the Tamil Nadu's State General Secretary, Vanathi Srinivasan and Minister Ponn Radhakrishnan, the BTF delegation discussed the need for accountability and justice for mass atrocities against Tamils, the ongoing displacement of Tamils and the Buddhisisation occurring through out the Tamil homeland.

People who have committed atrocities, violence and also who have violated human rights, must be brought to justice, by following the due process of law.  It is according to the internationally accepted principles of jurisprudence,” said Muralidhar Rao, adding that unless these issues are fully addressed there would be no lasting solution.

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