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Peiris belittles TNA's mandate

Sri Lankan foreign minister, GL Peiris, attempted to denigrate the TNA (Tamil National Alliance) as the a TNA delegation met US state department officials in Washington, as well as the UN Secretary General in New York. 

Asserting that the TNA was not the sole representative of the Tamils in the North-East, Peiris lamented Sri Lanka's inability to dictate to the UN whom they should meet.

“There are many political parties, some of who are in [the Sri Lankan] parliament, that represent the Tamils.

So it would be a fundamental fallacy to look upon the point of view of the TNA as the one which reflects the view of all Tamil speaking people of this country.”

The TNA swept the local government elections in the Tamil homeland, earlier this year, despite vote-rigging and voter intimidation by the numerous Tamil paramilitary agents working in cahoots with the ruling regime.

The international community,led firmly by the US, have been relentlessly stressed the importance of the Sri Lankan government holding talks with the TNA in order to make genuine progress on addressing legitimate Tamil grievances.

However, the Sri Lankan government has forestalled and interrupted such talks.

See also 'On TNA's election victory' by Suresh Premachandran, of the TNA. 

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