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Peiris to arrive in India as Karunanidhi calls for boycott

External Affairs Minister GL Peiris is due to arrive in India today to invite Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the Commonwealth heads of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka later this year.

Tamil Nadu opposition leader M Karunanidhi has warned of protests and blockades if Singh does not declare a boycott of the event.

In a statement released on Saturday, the leader of the DMK said that Sri Lanka was attempting to water down the 13th amendment and has failed to prevent attacks on Tamil fishermen.

“If the Indian government ignores our demand, the DMK will organise protests such as hoisting black flags atop houses and shops and holding rail roko to express the feelings of Tamils against the decision to participate in the event.

“The arrest of Tamil fishermen has become the order of the day. Though the Union government has taken up the issue with the Sri Lankan High Commissioner, it has failed to provide any relief,” he said.

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