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Over 1,400 acres to be seized by government

Arrangements are underway to obtain over 1,400 acre of land in Kilinochchi, stated the government in Parliament on Thursday, as land grabbing by the state continues.

1,406.94 acres of land in Kilinochchi are to be seized, and distributed amongst 10 government organisations and to at least 3 private companies on long-term leases. The land to be given to the private companies has been evaluated at Rs. 17 million, stated the Land Development Ministry.

However, the rest of the area is yet to be valued, with the government claiming that landowners will be compensated.

The latest move comes amid increasing protests from local Tamils against the militarised and systematic seizure of Tamil land by the Sri Lankan state.

See our earlier posts:

Atchuveli residents protest after govt announces further land grab (02 June 2014)

EPDP backs TNA resolution opposing Jaffna land grabs (21 April 2014)

Tamils demonstrate in Chavakacheri against land grabs (22 March 2014)

Land grabs escalate in Tamil village linking North to East (11 Feb 2014)

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