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Obama says will veto Congress bill on Iran sanctions

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Barack Obama and David Cameron, warned US congress that new sanctions on Iran could result in the collapse of nuclear negotiations with Iran.

Outlining his intention to veto any sanctions bills passed by Congress, Mr Obama said that new US sanctions would give Iran an excuse to walk away from negotiations and blame Washington for the failure.

Reiterating the US president's calls, the British premier, David Cameron, speaking at a White House press conference, said,

"I respectfully request them to hold off for a few months to see it we have the possibility of solving a big problem without resorting potentially to war."

Mr Cameron added that he had phoned two senators on Friday to express concerns that,

"they could fracture the international unity that there's been which has been so valuable in presenting a united front to Iran."

The chair of the Senate foreign affairs committee, Bob Corker, said that the Senate would take up the Iran sanctions bill as one of its first priorities, reports the Financial Times.

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