Eight schools still under Sri Lankan army occupation in the Valikamam North 'high security zone' should be released for resumption of educational activities, the Northern Provincial Council has said.
In a resolution brought by the council member P. Kajatheepan, the council called on the Sri Lankan government to secure the release of the schools from army occupation and hand over control to the NPC so that educational activities could resume.
The occupied schools were identified as Palaly G.T.M.S, Mayiliddy Kalaimagal School, Mayiliddy Roman Catholic School, Kadduvan Gnanothaya School, Palaly Sidhthi Vinayagar Vidhyalayam, Palaly North G.T.M.S, Kangesanthurai Maha Vidhyalayam and Vasavilan Sriveluppillai Vidhyalayam.
A classroom building and drinking water well belonging to Kankesanthurai Nadeshvara College also remain under occupation and were included in the council's call for release.
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