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Northern Province administers hartal in protest of rape and murder of school girl

The Northern Province came to a standstill on Wednesday as a mass hartal was administered in support of protests against the rape and murder of a school girl in Vavuniya last week.

Businesses, schools, public institutions and transport came to a halt in support for calls of justice and an end to the ongoing issue of rape and murder in the North-East.

Gangatharan Harishnavi was found dead inside her house whilst her mother, a teacher, was away at work. The fourteen year old girl was found hanging inside the house on January 16.

The school girl previously stopped the murder of her father by pleading with unknown men who came to kill him, reports Ceylon Today. The father consequentially left Sri Lanka due to fear of persecution, leaving the mother and daughter to head the household.

The hartal comes a day after hundreds of members of Tamil civil society in Vavuniya and Killinochchi protested against the rape and murder.

The Tamil National Alliance, said that there were at least 12,000 vulnerable war affected children who have lost their parents during and after the war.

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