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No tigers allowed - even in football

The Sri Lankan army intervened against a local Tamil football team in Valvettithurai this week, claiming that their team logo resembles that of the roaring tiger seen in the Tamil Eelam national flag.

The Valvai Premier League, patronised by Jaffna Paruthithurai League, kicked off yesterday at the Oorani grounds. But one team - the Delta Super Kings - caught the attention of the Sri Lankan security forces who intervened and prevented the team from hoisting or displaying their flag.

This move comes amidst rampant militarisation and surveillance across the Tamil homeland.

Meanwhile, in the Tamil diaspora, the Tamil Eelam Football Association has successfully competed in several tournaments around the world and have successfully qualified for the CONIFA World Football Cup.

Tamil Eelam players and supporters celebrate after beating Yorkshire in a CONIFA qualifier last year. Photograph courtesy of Mark Parsons Photography.

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