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New bill against defamation of religion

The Ministry of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs is goig to introduce a law to outlaw the publication of the “original teachings and traditions” of major religions.

The first step will be the establishment of a Buddhist Publications Regulatory Board with authority to “regulate any publication that is in violation of Buddhism, its philosophy or traditions”, reported the DailyMirror.

Ministry secretary M.K.B. Dissanayake said that this bill was now with the Attorney General pending approval.

“After approval by him it will be sent to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval,” he said.

Dissanayake said the Buddhist Publications Regulatory Board will have the authority to specify standards, norms and criteria that should be adhered to in written and oral Buddhist publications. The board would also have the power to examine any Buddhist text to see whether it conforms to the Buddhist teachings and traditions practiced in Sri Lanka.

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