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Negative pro-LTTE narrative unabated within UN - SL envoy

Sri Lanka’s Permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Ravinatha Aryasinha alleged that negative narratives organised by pro-LTTE elements continue unabated in Geneva.

Speaking to the expatriate Sri Lankan community, Aryasinha, commended the efforts of Sri Lankans in Switzerland who had challenging ‘on-sided’ events held in Geneva and debunking falsehoods.

Addressing the event he said,

“I am also greatly encouraged by what I have seen particularly over the past few months, where across Switzerland, some valiant Sri Lankans, found the time, resources and the energy to make their presence felt, by turning up and challenging the many one-sided events being organised in this country by pro-LTTE elements.”

The permanent representative's observations come as a recently leaked UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) report outlined that an international inquiry in Sri Lanka was needed.

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