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Navi Pillay condemns 'indiscriminate' aerial bombing by Sudan

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, condemned Sudan's "indisciminate" aerial bombing of South Sudan on Friday, and warned that such actions could be considered "an international crime".

Speaking to reporters during a visit to South Sudan this week, Pillay said,

"I am saddened and outraged to learn that such attacks which place civilians at great risk - and have already killed and injured some and caused many thousands of others to flee - have been taking place again in recent days."

"Deliberate or reckless attacks on civilian areas can, depending on the circumstances, amount to an international crime."

Urging both sides to abide by the UN-backed ceasefire that was to have begun on Saturday, Pillay added,

"Human rights are not negotiable and cannot be cherry-picked. There are no excuses, not even the youthfulness of the state, for ignoring or violating them,"

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